So I says to Mable, I says…
"and then I said: “We’re asking Netayahu for a cease-fire”
“This is the most fun I’ve ever had on a boat!” - Biden
“We’re in a parking garage, sir”
Target rich environment
This needs the Adobe stock watermark over it
blurts out
Trying his best to be part of the conversation
OK Guys, bad news: your approval rating is 46…
Inspection on the Death Star
AI prompt:
four guys in suits empowering Hellword
iStock iStock iStock iStock iStock iStock iStock iStock
Joe Biden wins the “Oldest Wife” award, but it’s a lot closer than you’d think.
you win
Le Racisme,Racism, Racism innit?,Rassismus
Senior citizens escape retirement home and laugh about having just a little genocide as a treat
"We told them that “nothing would fundamentally change!”
…and then, that jar broke!
This is The Inbetweeners now, feel old yet?