Why do so many fascist freaks with power have some custom fucked up signature look?
It’s kind of an advantage; all attention is good attention when you don’t even have to try to appear to be a decent human, so at worst it’s branding and at best your enemies think you look so ridiculous and stupid that they underestimate you
Brain damage is my guess. They gotta make sure they’re wierdos
I know a lot of people with brain damage who aren’t weird fascists with bad haircuts
True, but I’d guess more brain damage means more likely to be a right winger, but not always
Not the bro shinji
holy shit, the absolute state of crackers lmao
He looks like he cut his own hair with safety scissors.
Ol delightful kids looking ass
Washed up child actor looking ass
Pretty sure I’ve killed this guy in mount and blade
Tfw Khergits are besieging Praven but King Harlaus has called all his vassals to feast.
Incredible work
holy shit
the Republic of Indonesia is made up of 10s of thousands of islands hundreds of cultures and languages. the Estonia is made up of beet and onion slop eating hungarians who polished the cocks of german horses for 1000 years before being elevated to sapience by the USSR.
Nameless character who is casually murdered in Vinland Saga.
This guy turned down the poly-count on his hair.
If trump was in the beatles
Oliver Tree looking MF’er.
maybe he’s a comrade on a mission to make white nationalism cringe
His hair looks like ps2
looks like piss, too
Why did I think of young Alex Lifeson way back in the 1970s of all people
Ain’t no f$*%**$ way ☠️
I was gonna say it looked like 1970s Robin Zander has fallen on hard times