Galaxy brain take 🤯
Actually less for two reasons. One is that new land isn’t created to replace the lost, so you lose area to both rise, erosion, etc. Second is that the new shore isn’t necessarily going to be viable for use as property, as much could be eroded or swampy or whatever.
But this is just stupid. At least Lex Luthor had a plan to capitalize on the changes to turn cheap land into valuable, Trump is just making things up as some excuse to create a positive and not do anything.
Someone needs to sit Trump down with a rock in water in a petri dish and ask him to guess what happens when you add more water.
that won’t work. he’s already tuned you out to focus on how glorious the rock is and the name brand of the petri dish.
omg it’s made in CHINA
he walks away at this point, feeling like he won.
deleted by creator
Has he still not realized it’s going to swamp Mar-a-Lago?
if palm beach goes under, so does atlantic city. both have single digit elevations above sea level.
trump: “i know. i know. 7 feet above… above. above the sea. it’ll always be above it. i’m so smarterer than the water.”
Trump hasn’t had a presence in AC for years now which has been a marked improvement
Same argument I made in 6th grade. Seems about right.
Technically he’s right just in the bad contractions of capitalism way. Just like when excess food was burned during the depression, shifting coastlines would create completely new real estate speculation opportunities and new displaced buyers
One of
's fellow sex predators played the part of Lex Luthor in Superman Returns and his scheme to use Kryptonian technology to increase the value of his property made more sense than that.
I’m still wondering about when he was going to bring back those coal mining plants
That’s not how it works donald