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The original was posted on /r/ultrawidemasterrace by /u/MeRollsta on 2024-05-10 11:53:35+00:00.

Hey there folks,

So I’m finally ready to make the plunge, but a bit undecided on the two options I have. The G93SC is the non-smart variation of the G95SC. And under normal circumstances, I would go for the G93SC given it’s cheaper price.

But I also can get the G95SC for about the same price, or in fact, cheaper than the G93SC from Samsung’s own store (where they unfortunately do not sell the G93SC).

If the price of the monitor did not matter, which option would you choose. Is it worth paying more for the G93SC than the G95SC just to not deal with Samsung’s awful OS and UI? Are there any other differences apart from the smart HUB, such as the processor enabling better EOTF tracking in HDR etc?
